
If there is one thing I've learned as a lawyer and a baseball fan, it is that professional baseball players and United States judges are a breed apart. Their athletic and intellectual talents make one wonder whether they were simply destined for greatness. And even if their destiny for the baseball diamond or the courtroom bench was not written in the stars, it certainly was written on their birth certificates. What parent in her right mind names her child "Bolitha" or calls him "Boof"? A parent of a major league ballplayer or a federal judge, that's who. Indeed, no other professions can boast so many individuals named after body parts, sea creatures, or breakfast cereal. Take this quiz to see if you can tell the judges named Homer from the sluggers named Bench. On each page of the quiz, you'll see two names, and you will have to determine who is the major leaguer and who is the jurist.